This section is written and managed by - Ankit Saraswat

Successful completion of the PIP

If the PIP reaches a positive conclusion, it is important to aid the team member from a position of emotional tension, turmoil and fear, and transition them into "normalcy"

To do so, a meeting with all the folks who knew of the PIP (Manager, manager of the manager, people ops folk) should take place. Everyone contributes to documenting the growth they have seen in the person, that has helped them surmount the difficult situation.

The manager takes the lead in telling the team member that they are impressed at the effort put in during the PIP period. They share data to support their appreciation.

The others in the meeting can add any data they may have from their observations of a change in attitude, change in visible effort, asking for help, and so on.

Having told the team member that this meeting will take place, if they have anything to add, they can use the opportunity. If not, the manager closes the conversation talking about expectations of continued growth, continued support and pride.

Follow-up in the next few 1-1s

The manager slots a question in their subsequent 1-1s with the team member: How are you feeling now, having come out of the PIP? What are fears that might be lingering on from the PIP period, that are stopping you from taking risks and moving out of "tension" mode?

Monthly check-ins with people ops

Once a month, someone from people ops does a quick check-in to find out -

  1. Are there any continuing fears or worries that are making the person feel hamstrung or gun shy?

  2. Are they working on rebuilding engagement and involvement levels with the organisation that would have taken a beating when facing potential exit from the organisation?

  3. Are they asking for help, are comfortable with the rest of the team?

  4. Are they comfortable in the knowledge that the PIP is still a confidential process and they don't have to worry about the information reaching others?


Letting Someone Go


Personal Growth at Kuku FM