This section is managed by - Ankit Saraswat

Introduction to Grievance Policy:

An employee grievance policy states the correct process through which any employee can file a complaint regarding their workplace, coworkers or manager or about a conflict or any other issue regarding the workplace, such as unsatisfactory working conditions This will help us to create a transparent procedure and create an environment where the company takes mandatory steps to resolve the employee issue.

Need of Grievance Policy

It is necessary to distinguish a complaint from grievance. A complaint is an indication of employee dissatisfaction that has not been submitted in writing. On the other hand, a grievance is a complaint that has been put in writing and made formal.  A grievance mechanism is important for tracking the number and frequency of grievances which signify the efficiency of an organization. The better it is run, the lesser will be that number. Redressing a grievance effectively and swiftly ensures a high level of trust towards the company and employees feel heard.

Policy Statement:

KUKU FM supports the right of every employee to lodge a grievance with his/her manager if the individual believes a decision, behavior or action that affects their employment is unfair. We aim to resolve problems and grievances promptly and as close to the source as possible with graduated steps for further discussions and resolution at higher levels of authority as necessary

Grievances will be actioned discreetly, also complaints coming through the Grievance form will be totally anonymous

Process to follow the Grievance Policy:

Dealing with the matter informally

You can informally deal with the issues related to grievances if you feel comfortable. Reaching the specific person and letting them know their particular behavior is causing a problem. The problem can be of any cause, like their behavior could be discriminatory unfair, offensive, etc. This person could be completely unaware of the situation they are causing, and by telling them, you are giving them a chance to right their wrong.

Speak to your manager

If Employee is uncomfortable talking to the person with whom the problem is related, you can directly reach out to your manager. After having a conversation with your manager, he will be able to provide you with different options. Once your manager has heard about your situation, he will directly approach the person responsible for the particular situation. There is formal action that can take against the person, but these actions will entirely depend on your approval.

Make a formal complaint